More than 200 miles and I love it.

I have gotten over 200 miles on on my Steele Trail Saddle since I’ve gotten it and I am totally satisfied the saddle my horse moves better and no longer gets sore on his back and I’m very comfortable sitting in it which surprised me a bit since I’m so used to riding a roping style saddle.

– Thank you very much Eric Hawkins!!!!  Kenny Fisher

I am ready for my saddle

I rode Nevada in a fun day our club had.  First time riding away from home.  Thought you might like to see this photo.  I don’t know when you are wanting your demo back and how soon my new saddle will be ready but thanks.

– Lori Steedsman.

We believe we’ve added 10 years of riding with these saddles!

We’re both on the high side of 70 yrs. old and believe we’ll probably have an added 10 years of ridding because we can put the saddle up on the horse easily.

Equally important is the fit (horse and rider).  As we mentioned, the saddles fit our 5 horses inter-changeably.  They fit us really well.  Just this last weekend we rode in the mountains of San Diego.  Despite fairly aggressive terrain,  our butt’s staid in place and so did the saddles.  What more can be asked?

Thanks again, Bill Anderson & Ginger Von Achen

Such wonderful workmanship!

Hey Eric, my beauty just arrived! I am thrilled. It is awesome…such wonderful workmanship. Fits my butt. Will post pics when I put it on my boy. Thanks so much for everything…especially your patience. Warm regards, Kathy & Don Ta

We enjoy the light weight!

We ridden these saddles for a while and really enjoy the light weight.  There’s nothing added that is un-needed.  There’s nothing missing.  yet they weight next to nothing.  We’re both on the high side of 70 yrs. old and believe we’ll probably have an added 10 years of ridding because we can put the saddle up on the horse easily.

Equally important is the fit (horse and rider).  As we mentioned, the saddles fit our 5 horses inter-changeably.  They fit us really well.  Just this last weekend we rode in the mountains of San Diego.  Despite fairly aggressive terrain,  our butt’s staid in place and so did the saddles.  What more can be asked?

Thanks again,

Bill Anderson &
Ginger Von Achen

Bill showing saddles