Meetings in Montana

There is a buzz going through the Back Country Horseman’s Club here in Libby, MT.   With Tim Auer and I both getting a new trail saddle from Steele there is an interest in seeing them.  With two old-timers who have so much horse background they have taken notice.

On April 26th our club is sponsoring a vaccination clinic that attracts 60 to 70 horses at the area and on May 10th we have our annual first get-together and trail ride/membership breakfast at the Sheldon Mountain Trail head close to Libby.  We will show our new Steele Saddles there.   It will be a good opportunity for Steele to have exposure.

The snow is going fast and the creeks are going back into their banks. – Rocky Schauer of Libby, MT

– Thank you Rocky.  You will have your saddles in time for these events.  We appreciate any photos and information you can send us about your experiences with our Steele Trail Saddles and consider it an honor for you to show them to your fellow trail riders.

Thank you,

Eric & Fred

More information contact:

April 26th – West NIle (Vet) Clinic with LaSalle Equine at Neils Park, Libby Montana Contact TIm Auer
May 10th – Spring Breakfast Member Drive Ride at Sheldon Trailhead

15 Great Years Using Steele Trail Saddles

I’ve been riding Steele trail saddles for 15 years. I’m now breaking in a new Outback trail saddle and I love it almost as much as my Walker does! He’s certainly never gaited better. The security of the poleys has already saved me when we were “attacked” by one of our Carolina horse-eating fox squirrels!  Seriously, first-class craftsmanship, materials, and I do like the extra security. – O. Leblang in New Hill N.C. I ride a Steele Outback Trail Saddle with a light Cedar tree and English rigging.

Steele Trail Saddles are Perfect!

It’s the perfect saddle! I have been riding for over 40 years and in all kinds of saddles and I have never sat in a saddle that was as comfortable or easy on the body as this one. I highly recommend Steele Saddles to anyone that wants to spend time in a saddle. Also, the makers are informative, nice, and willing to please their customers. – Tracey

– Thank you so much Tracey for your kind words. God Bless, Eric.

Thank You Steele Trail Saddles!

I own four Steele Saddles and love all of them. I have ridden from Logansport, Louisiana to Houston, Texas; 216 miles one way many, many, times on these Steele Saddles. To the Houston Livestock Show, with the Old Spanish Trail Ride. Seven days in the saddle. Your horse will love these saddles too because they are light and comfortable for you and the horse. Every body that likes to ride should try one of these saddles. – Randal from Shreveport, LA

–  Randal thank you for that incredible testimony. Fred and I really appreciate hearing that. I agree, if you are in the saddle for one hour or ten hours you should be comfortable . The horses appreciate it also . Thanks and God Bless, Eric.

I can ride for hours without knee or butt pain

I love my Steele Trail Saddle! My Steele saddle has been the best thing. No knee pain…no tailbone pain…it’s the best saddle I have ever ridden in and Koda loves the perfect fit as well. After a 3 hour ride I got a quick picture before I removed it from my horse. Thanks for the best riding saddle ever!! Koda thanks you for the perfect fit as well. – T. Bertram in Williamson GA and I ride a Steele Classic trail saddle

So glad to hear from our customers. Thanks and God Bless, Eric at Steele Saddle

I Love My Custom Steele Trail Saddle

The horse is now perfect in all of his gaits, and I ride him pain free!  I Love my Custom Steele Trail Saddle and so many riders ask about it.  Thanks so much for making my trail riding trips amazing.

– Tammy