My horse gaits like a dream

My new Steele trail saddle is amazing and I love it! My horse gaits like a dream under my new saddle. Thank you, again.  Carrie

I love my Steele Saddle

I have one of your Steele trail saddles and love it.  I’m looking for a new pad but am having a hard time find a wool ½” thick pad.  Do you have any demo pads in brown you have available for sale?  Thank you.   Lisa Hubert

I have a Steele Mountaineer, interested in Endurance Western

I currently have a Steele Mountaineer trail saddle for my gaited mare. I am very interested in purchasing a new saddle for my 5 year old non-gaited mule mare. The new endurance western saddle you are offering looks perfect. Indeed I would enjoy the lighter weight! Can you tell me how much the new model weighs, small size ( I would buy a cedar tree) and if you suggest a mule tree…. should I try a mule tree first & can you send me a mountaineer with a mule tree to try? I currently use my mountaineer on the mule as I am just starting her under saddle. Seems to fit just fine but I am no expert.

I am delighted every time I ride in my Steele trail saddle. It really is wonderful to own. (of course my rides are thrilling and with your saddle, no spills!)

Thank you, Sue

I am excited about my Steele Classic

I am so excited about receiving my new Steele Classic Trail Saddle sometime next week or maybe the next. Yes the weather is getting better here, and looking forward to turning my boy on with a great fitting saddle by Steele. Before you send the saddle, let me know on what I owe you.. Thank you SO much for everything that you and your team has produce for me and my horse. I know WE will be very happy.

Thanks Tammy Rattenne