LOVE LOVE LOVE my Steele saddle. I purchased my Frontier Steele saddle 3-4 years ago. I have used it on several different mules of all sizes and shapes, it fits all of them perfectly. I also use the pad from Steele saddle company which is great, it cleans up very easy. My Steele saddle is the most comfortable saddle I have ever ridden in. I love the deep seat and the pommel on my saddle it really keeps me in place and it stays in place on my mule there is no rolling, slipping or movement at all. I do use a crupper with my saddle but I really do not need it. We ride some very steep Southern Ohio terrain and we ride all over the country. Generally we ride 6-7 hours at a time and I don’t have any soreness at the end of the ride. Just recently we were at French Creek horse camp in Custer State Park and rode on the toughest trails we have ever ridden on, there was a sign advising riders to dismount, it was very steep and had a lot of rocks to maneuver through. I did not have any problems with my saddle sliding forward on my mule.
I also compete in competitive trail and western pleasure classes using my Steele saddle. I would recommend a Steele saddle to any mule rider. Flo will be receiving new custom leather saddle bags to use when she sets out riding with her Steele saddle. Thank you for sending in such great photos for our competition!
*The final photos are from our recent North-South Dakota trip.
Eric & Fred for the great photo