I am ready to get my Steele saddle started

I rode the Steele trail saddle demo twice this week, once for 2 hours and  once for  3.  Both times, I had a dry spot on each side (pix).  I did not see this on the 4 -5 hour ride I took before.  His winter coat is starting to come in so he was quite sweated.  Temp is still 70-75  I had the pad on frontwards this time LOL.

I also did a good check on the front while sitting in the saddle.  I am easily able to slide my fingers under the tree in the front on both sides.  He was not sore and had no flinch spots after riding.  He seems very comfortable, fox trots and canters easily.  I am getting used to the seat and find I like it and have no pain in my knee and thighs after riding.

I would like to send this back and get my Steele saddle started.  Anne