I am very impressed with your saddle.

I received the saddle last night and have taken photos of various angles for you to see.  The saddle is so different from anything I have ever ridden in!  It puts me in a completely different seat and I feel so much more balanced.  It took me by surprise when my horse first moved out and I could literally feel his muscles under me.  The saddle makes me so much more aware of how I am moving with my horse instead of just sitting plopped on a giant western saddle, unaware and unable to really feel contact with my horse.  I will most definitely be ordering one from you, but I want to take it to my next lesson and be sure it is fitting properly.  My only question with the fit is if the flare on the bars is correct for Trooper.  He is narrow, but then flares wide.  Most regular bars are too narrowly flared and pinch him close to the shoulder.  The wide QH bars are too wide at the top and put pressure on his withers, but the flare is better by the shoulder.  Can you tell by the picture if the gullet and bar width is sitting on him properly?  Is there a way I can check or test for it?

I am very impressed with this trail saddle.  Your craftsmanship is beautiful and the quality is obvious.

Thank you so much, Blessings, DeeAnn McKeithan