I have a Steele Mountaineer, interested in Endurance Western

I currently have a Steele Mountaineer trail saddle for my gaited mare. I am very interested in purchasing a new saddle for my 5 year old non-gaited mule mare. The new endurance western saddle you are offering looks perfect. Indeed I would enjoy the lighter weight! Can you tell me how much the new model weighs, small size ( I would buy a cedar tree) and if you suggest a mule tree…. should I try a mule tree first & can you send me a mountaineer with a mule tree to try? I currently use my mountaineer on the mule as I am just starting her under saddle. Seems to fit just fine but I am no expert.

I am delighted every time I ride in my Steele trail saddle. It really is wonderful to own. (of course my rides are thrilling and with your saddle, no spills!)

Thank you, Sue