Meetings in Montana

There is a buzz going through the Back Country Horseman’s Club here in Libby, MT.   With Tim Auer and I both getting a new trail saddle from Steele there is an interest in seeing them.  With two old-timers who have so much horse background they have taken notice.

On April 26th our club is sponsoring a vaccination clinic that attracts 60 to 70 horses at the area and on May 10th we have our annual first get-together and trail ride/membership breakfast at the Sheldon Mountain Trail head close to Libby.  We will show our new Steele Saddles there.   It will be a good opportunity for Steele to have exposure.

The snow is going fast and the creeks are going back into their banks. – Rocky Schauer of Libby, MT

– Thank you Rocky.  You will have your saddles in time for these events.  We appreciate any photos and information you can send us about your experiences with our Steele Trail Saddles and consider it an honor for you to show them to your fellow trail riders.

Thank you,

Eric & Fred

More information contact:

April 26th – West NIle (Vet) Clinic with LaSalle Equine at Neils Park, Libby Montana Contact TIm Auer
May 10th – Spring Breakfast Member Drive Ride at Sheldon Trailhead