Demo Saddle



Ride one of our Steele demo trail saddles for up to 2 weeks and pay only UPS shipping costs.


The perfect fit for horse and rider is always our focus at Steele Trail Saddles and one reason we provide our Demo “Try before you Buy” Trail Saddle Demo Program. Riders have the opportunity to truly test drive the rider’s groove while trail riding and see if the fit works for you as well as for your horse.

Then buy a Steele Trail Saddle in the style, color and with the accessories you want. We fit the saddle based on the length of the fender to fit your height and the saddle size to fit your weight to ensure the perfect fit. We take the comfort of horse and rider seriously and have found the photos you provide from your DEMO program help us ensure the perfect saddle, which is why it is so important.

SPECIAL NOTE: The Steele Saddle Pad is an integral part of the Demo Process because we need the impression your demo trail saddle will leave on the pad to check your saddle fit. Other pads can sore your horse as they do not allow the saddle to sit down on the horse for a comfortable fit. We want to ensure the demo process works and we do not waste your money on shipping and handling. Our pad can be used with any saddle and has been found to provide more freedom at the front and back of the saddle. You can purchase a pad or we can provide a Demo Pad.

tryitfirstphotosteelesaddle ​*We will need a photo per the example, taken with your horse standing on level ground with their head up in riding position. Be sure the horse is level, take a broom handle or something straight and place it from wither back to the hip so we can see what fit is correct for you. The straight item needs to be level (you may have to pull the stick off the wither slightly to make it level or lift one end to make it level. We need to see the straight line in relation to your horse’s back).

Eric Hawkins, Steele Saddle Company 1-629-218-5077 |

Custom Tree and Saddle Company, 2473 Erin Rd, McEwen, TN 37101

Customer is responsible for shipping and handling of the demo trail saddle secured via credit card.

We understand you may want to involve a fitter however, we are the best at fitting our saddles and will not work with any outside help during the demo process. Our saddles are one of a kind in the market. Given our 30+ years of fitting, we trust our process and know you will too. Our process speaks for itself. When our instructions are followed, we guarantee the best fit. 

Limited Time Offer for Demo Customers ONLY: ACT FAST! 

Purchase Steele Saddle Pad in any color and save up to $55! Steele Saddle Pad valued at $215. Discount automatically applied at checkout.

One time use. Both Demo Saddle and Steele Saddle Pad must be purchased together for discount. No exceptions. No rainchecks. Steele Saddle reserves the right to end this promotion at any time.

1794 in stock


Seat Sizes are by weight: (Men): Small 100-180 pounds, Medium 181-230, Large 231-290, X-Large 291 plus.
(Women) Small 90-140 pounds, Medium 141-190, Large 191-239, X-Large 240 plus.

Fender Sizes are by height:
Shortest for 5’3″ and under, Short for 5’4″ – 5’7″, Standard for 5’8″ – 6’3″, Long for 6’3″ or taller

What is your height (to verify the right fender) *

* What is your weight (to verify the right seat) *

What size seat do you need (By Weight)?

Fender Size (By Height)

Would you prefer a Demo Saddle Pad, or New?

Our saddle will not perform at its peak without our pad. We HIGHLY recommend purchasing a new pad to ensure the best fit and to allow us to see the pictures better.


Pad Color

Which saddle model are you interested in?

How did you find out about Steele Saddles? Friend, Online Search, Advertising?

Photo of horse with level item

Product price
Additional options total:
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Additional information

Weight 28 lbs