We go everywhere! The Ozarks of Missouri, different area’s of New Mexico, and in Tennessee where I compete in an obstacle course competition where we won 1st place in Novice division. I always have people asking me about my saddle, everywhere I ride. I even let people hop up and try it out.!
The snow picture was taken more than 11,000 feet in elevation. We could not go any further on that trail due 10 and 12 foot snow drifts, one of which we are standing on top of in the month June. That’s my horse in the picture with my Steele Saddle.
Did I mention, I Love my Steele Mountaineer Saddle. This Photo was taken in Pagosa Springs, Colorado June 14, 2014. Some lady friends and I left Tennessee at the end of May on a 3000 mile journey with final destination staying in Colorado for a week then back to Tennessee. Trailering the horses through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Colorado camping and riding different trails in each state along the way. This is a saddle you can ride in all day and never get sore.
I ride this saddle on my TWH (Dumas) pictured and my Rocky Mountain horse (Raider) who I bought in January. In a few weeks my Rocky and my Mountaineer will be doing another trip. I’m logging some miles in this saddle and still able to walk after the rides.
This photo is up in Tellico Plains, Tennessee on top of Bob’s Bald riding in my Steele Saddle. – Thank you both, Kerri Humphreys
***Thank you Randy Speegle for letting me know about Steele Trail Saddles!