My Steele Classic, what I love about it. Well, just about everything. I have had it now for about ten years or so. With a couple of different pads I have had no problem fitting it to any horse I put it on. I train horses and have 12 of my own, so that is saying something. I have had clients with horses that had bucking issues that were caused by the saddle they had and or the fit. I put mine on placing it correctly and all of a sudden, no more bucking.
I love the way it fits me. I have a rule, and that is I do not ride in any other saddle. Period. Ever. It is like an old friend or a pair of jeans. It fits perfectly and has since day one.
It looks good, and I look good in it. I am not one who is into flash and carving. There is nothing wrong with it, but it isn’t me. When I ordered my Steele Classic, I got to choose the color combination and hardware, and have never regretted my choice. Mine is starting to show some wear, and I like that. It has easily been on over 100 horses and seen some hard rides and use. I get a lot of compliments on how it looks. I will be the first to admit it makes me look good when I ride, or helps.
It is tough. It had to be made out of the best stuff, because in ten plus years I haven’t had to fix anything. I am still using the original cinch strap, and it is still in good shape. All of it is. I dust my saddle off when I ride and when I am done and about once a year or so I oil it lightly. I like minimal maintenance.
It is versatile. I use mine for trail riding, playing cowboy and used in in Cowboy Mounted Shooting. In my experience and opinion, if a saddle fits you and the horse, you only need one, not one for every type of riding that you do. Oh, I also use it to give my 4 year old grandson riding lessons.
Last, I like the life time warranty on the tree. I doubt that I will ever have to use it, but it is a real comfort knowing that it is there.
Anytime anyone asks me for a saddle recommendation, the only one I can give is to get a Steele Saddle. I knew as soon as I sat down in the demo Classic that Steele sent to me over ten years ago that I was going to buy one, and since then it has been the only saddle I use. I really have no interest in trying any other saddles as I am still completely happy with mine. If you want to buy the best and last saddle that you will ever buy, get a Steele.
– Michael Murray