Customer service is awesome and they guarantee their saddles for life!

I have the Steele Mountaineer trail saddle and I love it. It’s a gorgeous well made high quality saddle. My horse has never moved better and I ave never felt more balanced on her back. And I used to ride a deep seated cutting saddle that was custom made for me.

There is a reason you can almost never find a used Steele saddle for sale and when you do you don’t find them cheap. I got really lucky. A friend of mine had one that fit his horse well but not him so well. It fit me and my horse perfectly. At that I only saved a couple hundred dollars over going through the process of having one built.

The customer service is awesome and they guarantee their saddles for life. When my friend owned mine he had an accident with his horse where he fell off and she went through a fence. She ripped the stirrup fender right off the saddle. He shipped it to the company and they replaced the fender for no cost except for shipping. You can’t tell it ever needed repairs.

I can’t say enough good things about my Steele Trail Saddle.  – Pennsylvania, south of Pittsburgh