The demo saddle is on it’s way back to you… I can’t thank you enough for allowing me the
extra time to ride the demo saddle at our field trial event this last weekend!!! THANK YOU SO, SO MUCH!!! I rechecked the saddle one last time before shipping it back to you for bridging in the area of concern… I still did not see or feel any major gaps. There is a good chance that I still don’t have the saddle moved back quite far enough and by moving it back a touch more maybe it will fix the contact in that area. My only concern in the final fit of the new saddle is if it will still tend to roll from side to side like the demo saddle would
do if my weight shifted. I played around with tightened the cinch on the demo & it did helped some, but the more I tightened it the more it seems to drive the “U” shaped piece of the tree bars down into her more. I know you said the new design has the “U” shaped part of the tree shaved down… do you think that will help with stabilizing the saddle better on her back?
I am in no rush to receive my new saddle, as our field trial events won’t resume again until the spring. If you think it’s worth having me purchase one of your mold kits or ride the tree itself, I am open to whatever you feel is necessary to ensure proper fit & I completely trust your judgement on this!!!
I had several people at the field trials ask me about the saddle I was riding & what other models your company makes, so I gave them your website & contact info. I also made a point to show your saddle to our farrier as well as one of the TWH trainer/judges here in Utah and gave both of them your website info. as well… I really hope it helps to brings new business your way! Your saddle is like none other out there both in quality & design &
both you & Fred have been really great to work with! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 🙂
Warmest regards, Denise Barnes