Beau has had 4 rides in his new Steele saddle. He is really comfortable. Actually the first ride, I think he thought he was bareback, he was a handful! I used the neats foot oil and turned the stirrups in a week.
I used the wool felt pad the first time, but used the TackyToo for the next 3, and it worked better with the saddle. I have a perfect sweat line, good foxtrot and comfortable canter. It puts my rear where it should be for a long foxtrot without any effort . The extra strings and rings make it completely functional for jackets, water bottle, etc. I will send you a picture on my next ride.
Besides all that, It is beautiful, the workmanship is top shelf. I’m wrestling with the stirrup length, down, is comfortable for riding, but I can’t get my leg over the cantle, up one notch feels too short. My legs are not particularly long, but I like my stirrups longer – feel more secure and easier to keep forward and sit deep. The breast collar is very functional which I love, it is not just decoration but holds the saddle firm up steep hills and wide & flat enough not to cut into his chest.
A friend of mine called you, he saw my saddle and is really impressed with it but said he can’t get past not having a square skirt . I shook my head and asked him if was trail riding or going in a parade. Unnecessary leather is a big part of what makes it light. Jeez
I am going to send back the reins. I have a set of reins I got in Tennessee that are thin and rounded where your hands are. I love them and am moving them to the headstall which I do like a lot. Thanks for all your guidance and working with me. Anne