It’s been about three months now since I received my Mountaineer saddle and it is absolutely the best saddle I have ever owned! This is the first saddle that I didn’t have to put a gel cover over the seat for the long hours of riding. I can ride in the saddle all day without becoming sore.
I even have a bad ankle and hip and in my old saddle, I always had discomfort after riding for a couple hours, but with my Mountaineer I haven’t had any problems! My horse Ms. Mattie moves extremely well in our Mountaineer and she is never sore after long rides. The quality and craftsmanship super exceeds any saddle maker that I have come across!
I definitely will be contacting you guys again when my filly becomes of age to be fitted! In the mean time, I’m enjoying my trail rides with Ms. Mattie and our Mountaineer! And I’m putting the word out there to people that…….it’s just not a comfortable ride until you ride in a Steele saddle! – Thanks & God Bless, Michelle Autry